These are the faces of innocence that hold so much trauma. Rahma's story starts with a childhood that many people could not fathom. Most children in the Middle East have experienced more intense trauma in their short years than many in the West will experience in their entire lifetimes.
Many of the children I have met have significant symptoms of this trauma, from graying hair at five years old and nine-year-olds unable to speak, to severe eating disorders in teens. These symptoms are real and present in a significant portion of the population.
Their portraits tell their stories.
Despite war, trauma, and death, the landscapes surrounding these stories tell of the beauty of our God.
"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature." Romans 1:20
Interspersed with the landscapes are photos of the town, cities, and living places ravaged by poverty and trauma. This is the dichotomy of beauty and pain.