Ch. 3 - The People Without a Nation: The Palestinian Crisis
In May 2021, rising tensions in East Jerusalem, stemming from restrictions on Palestinian access to holy sites during Ramadan and the looming eviction of families in Sheikh Jarrah, ignited hostilities in Gaza. This conflict had devastating humanitarian consequences. It further aggravated the hardships of the ongoing Israeli blockade and internal Palestinian political divides…
Ch 2 - The People Without a Nation: The Palestinian Crisis
How has this history of Gaza, post-1947, affected the current state? This brief summary of the compounded crises of modern Palestine…
Ch 1 - The People Without A Nation: The Palestinian Crisis
Understand the history behind the rise of the Jewish Zionist state and the systematic removal of Palestinian People…
(4) Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies - Conclusion
Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies: Addressing Rape Among Young Female Refugees Smuggled from Conflict Zones in the MENA Region
Concluding the issue with the results and ideas for future research…
(3) Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies - The Spiritual Perspective -
Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies: Addressing Rape Among Young Female Refugees Smuggled from Conflict Zones in the MENA Region
A review of the issue from a Biblical perspective…
Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies: Addressing Rape Among Young Female Refugees Smuggled from Conflict Zones in the MENA Region
Compounding factors necessary to understanding research on the topic…
(1) Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies - Intro, Definitions & Statistics
Comprehensive Crisis Intervention Strategies: Addressing Rape Among Young Female Refugees Smuggled from Conflict Zones in the MENA Region
Defining the key terms around the issue for further research…